Friday, April 11, 2008

Microsoft Joins the Search War

First it was operating systems. Then came the browser wars. In 2004, it seems that Microsoft has chosen a new battle: search. This has become clear after Microsoft's recent beta release of their new search engine. The new engine is available for public use here, but has not been released as the official replacement to the existing MSN search just yet.

Before now, Microsoft did not have its own search technology - MSN results were drawn solely from Yahoo!'s engine. Now, by using their own search technology, Microsoft has placed itself squarely in competition with other major search players.

Although this new search engine is a major step for Microsoft, the burning question at the moment is whether the new engine has what it takes to compete with Google and the gang. The beta search engine is not perfect yet, with the company itself describing the new product as "raw". Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Watch says, "Overall, I found the search engine a good first effort, but it still gives me a `more of the same' feeling. It doesn't take search results beyond what Yahoo, Google, and Ask Jeeves do and, given their maturity, do better."

That may be true for now, but Microsoft does have an uncanny knack of suddenly swallowing up competition in whatever industry it tackles. It may be worth it for other competitors to keep a close watch on this potentially formidable search player.

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